Rhythm Resources

In order to be an outstanding musician, one must understand the importance of knowing how to read rhythm. Below are some recommendations that I have used:

  • https://www.samuelstokesmusic.com/rhythm.html - FREE

  • https://www.shedthemusic.com/rhythm-worksheets - FREE

  • Winning Rhythms by Edward Ayola

  • Rhythm Vocabulary Charts by Ed Sueta

  • Count Me In by Darcy Vogt Williams & Brian Balmages

  • The Rhythm Bible by Dan Fox - This book is designed for jazz, but is great if you are looking for an extra push in syncopation.

  • Search Rhythm Sheets in a search engine online. You can find many free resources.

  • Check your local music store for rhythm books.


Time Signatures, Notes, Rests, Ties, Slurs, and Counting Printable Overview