Music Theory
This section is intended to be an overview of the basics of music theory. It is fast paced and intended to be used more as a review. Normally, when I teach these concepts to my students, each concept would be instructed much slower paced, would utilize exercises, and would be spaced out over multiple sessions. If you intend on using this as a way of learning music theory, I recommend using the resources listed at the bottom of a page to reinforce what the video went over. Take things in small chunks; it can get overwhelming. Small chunks may even mean taking a few days to make your way through just one video. For a student or former student of music, these videos are a great way to review the basics to build to further music development. The videos are organized by category in a progressive order from the top down. Just click the link to see the video.
The Basics
Pitch, The Staff, and The Basic Clefs
Measures, Bar Lines, and Time Signatures
Counting - Quarter, Half, and Whole Notes
Resources to Explore
Wristband Express - A website with various wonderful piano and music theory resources. Special thanks to Kelly from Maine for sharing this resource!
MusicTheory.Net - A website that contains explanations of music theory. They also have exercise functions
Tone Savvy - A website with numerous music theory exercises
Theoria - A website with numerous music theory exercises
Idiot’s Guide to Music Theory - An inexpensive book that breaks things down pretty well and contains exercises